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Experimental Mesoscopic Physics Group, Department of Engineering Science, UEC Tokyo

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Welcome to our group's HP
The Experimental Mesoscopic Physics Group in UEC started in 2003. The research in the group
is focused on the mesoscopic phenomena in artificially fabricated condensed matter systems.
Our reseach interests span over superconductivity, low temperature physics, quantum electronics
and nanotechnology.

Quantum current doubler                                     EBL in SVBL

The samples for our study are designed and fabricated by ourselves using micro/nano-fabrication
facilities in the shared clean room in the Satelite Venture Business Laboratory in UEC and our
own clean room in the lab.

The measurement are performed in our own low-temperature lab, where we have a few dilution
refrigerators, superconducting magnets, an EM shielded room, and measuement equipment.
Liquid He and N2 are supplied by the Cryogenic division of the Cordinated Center of Research
Facilities in UEC in the same building.